2013年11月5日 星期二

Cisco ISE Install & Setup

請務必注意,硬碟大小建議200GB與RAM不得低於4GB,使用RedHat 5 64位元進行模擬安裝作業。


Enter hostname[]: ise-server-1 輸入主機名稱
Enter IP address[]: 輸入IP位址
Enter Netmask[]: 輸入子網路遮罩
Enter IP default gateway[]: 輸入預設閘道
Enter default DNS domain[]: cisco.com 輸入網域名稱
Enter Primary nameserver[]: 輸入DNS伺服器
Add/Edit another nameserver? Y/N: n 是否設定額外的DNS伺服器
Enter primary NTP domain[]: clock.cisco.com 輸入NTP伺服器位址
Add/Edit another NTP domain? Y/N: n 是否輸入額外的NTP伺服器
Enter system time zone[]: UTC 輸入時區,台灣請輸入Asia/Taipei
Enter username [admin]: admin 輸入登入帳號
Enter password: 輸入登入密碼[隱碼]
Enter password again: 再次輸入登入密碼[隱碼]


Bringing up the network interface...
Pinging the gateway...
Pinging the primary nameserver...
Do not use `Ctrl-C' from this point on...
Virtual machine detected, configuring VMware tools...
Appliance is configured
Installing applications...
Installing ISE...
Application bundle (ise) installed successfully
===Initial Setup for Application: ise===
Welcome to the ISE initial setup. The purpose of this setup is to provision the 
internal ISE database. This setup requires you to create database administrator 
password and also create a database user password.
Please follow the prompts below to create the database administrator password.
Enter new database admin password:
Confirm new database admin password:
Successfully created database administrator password.
Please follow the prompts below to create the database user password.
Enter new database user password:
Confirm new database user password:
Successfully created database user password.
Running database cloning script...
Generating configuration...
Welcome to the ISE initial setup. The purpose of this setup is to provision the 
internal database. This setup is non-interactive and will take roughly 15 
minutes to complete. Please be patient.
Running database cloning script...
Running database network config assistant tool...
Extracting ISE database contents...
Starting ISE database processes...
